For the month of April we are going to be really busy. April is the Month Of The Young Child, which means if you come around the church during the day, you might see the children in some unusual outfits. Some things we like to do are, Crazy Hair Day, Costume Day, Mix Match Day and a few new activities will be Green Day for Earth Day and Puppet Show Day. Also, in April we are having our annual Bunny Pictures with Stellhorn Photos, on Thursday April 10th, from 10:00 to 11:30. If you are interested in getting your child or grandchild’s picture taken please call the Childcare office.
We finished out the month of March with our Cookie Dough sales, we appreciate everyone who participated in it. Unfortunately, we didn’t do as well as we have done in other years, but every little bit helps out the center.
Have A Great Month!
Nicole Putman (Office Manager)