HELP! I need somebody. . .
Some of you will remember the old Beatles song from a number of years ago. Well the title of that song is just what we need at Crescent Avenue. Because the church is doing more things and reaching more people we need some persons to volunteer for a number of areas. Below is a list:
1. Ushers and greeters. . . one of the most important areas of our church is how we greet and welcome persons coming to our worship services. We have worked very hard to welcome every person both those we know and those new persons who are visiting with us each week.
2. Flowers for the morning services. . . there is a sign up poster in the lounge for specific Sunday’s that you would like to provide flowers. You may also dedicate those to someone special.
3. Tech team for morning services. We now have the need for persons who would be willing to learn and operate the tech support for worship services.
4. Children’s workers. . . many of you have noticed that we are welcoming more children each week and we need persons who would be willing to work in the children’s ministry. We will also have another Kids Konnect this spring and will need a number of persons to share in that ministry.
5. Each Sunday we have a time of sharing after services. We need persons or groups who would be willing to provide cookies and snacks for that event.
6. Small group leaders and host. . . this spring we will be starting a small group discipleship ministry for our members and visitors. This will be a home based ministry and will need a group of persons who would be willing to host and lead those groups. As you can see we need you to help in the ministry of your church as we Connect, Grow and Serve the lakeside community of Fort Wayne. Thanks for helping!
Pastor Mark