Monthly Archives: August 2013

Weekday School – September News 9/13

School has arrived. With the weather seeming more like autumn, school is right on time. It is really awesome to see the children during the first weeks. They are excited about new rooms, teachers, getting a locker, seeing old friends, meeting new friends and just the electricity that is in the air.

At CAWS, we had shutdown in August. We were lucky enough to get in 9 – 10 hours of training plus get the rooms ready for the children. Many children stay with us, just moving to the next room. During shut down, we were able to get some areas painted that really need it. We were also able to wash some of the dirt off the walls.

Also, the first of August, CAWS was visited by a group from Walgreen on Day of Caring through United Way. The crew painted 2 classrooms plus one that was not scheduled. The crew was fast and we appreciate their hard work. CAWS bought the paint, brushes and rollers.

CAWS has received our grant check from Associated Churches’ Lets Grow Grant. Some of the materials have been ordered. So watch for some changes on our play-ground. We will begin working on Saturday, September 7, if you would like to volunteer some muscle. Not all the work is physically hard. We need painters, dirters, rakers and builders. Come join us.

Have a great September,

Pick Up and Pasta! Sept 26th

Pick Up and PastaTake a break and join church members and the Crescent Avenue Weekday school families for a free spaghetti pasta meal in the church dining room. This is the kick-off event of our new vision to Connect (with the community), Grow (as followers of Christ) and Serve (the needs of others) and we expect to ‘connect’ with the Weekday School families as they pick up their students. The kids’ artwork will be on display for a vibrant addition to the evening. We hope for everyone from Crescent Avenue to attend for fellowship, plus the tasty food. All are welcome, so bring the rest of your family, too, on Thursday, September 26th from 4:30-6 p.m. If you think you might be able to come, just let Kay know, so we know how many noodles Marty needs to make! By the way, cooks, hosts, servers, cookie bakers, talkers and cleaner-uppers are welcome, too, so if you can help for a bit, we sure would love it. Questions? Ask Kay at 422-6461 days, 489-1649 evenings or Kay (at)

Words From Pastor Mark – 9/13

We are now 6 weeks into our new beginning at Crescent Avenue. Some great work was done the months prior to July. We are all thankful for the outstanding leadership of the members of CAUMC, the interim pastor Phil and the music director Paul.

But now is the time for all of us to step up and do something. Most people who do not attend church say it is because nobody ever ask them. So here is what I would like for you to consider over the next few weeks. INVITE SOMEONE TO CHURCH. I have listed below a few steps on how.

  1. Live and display the spirit of love with all you encounter
  2. Share a personal testimony of God’s work in your life
  3. Display an excitement about your relationship with Jesus
  4. Display excitement about the ministry in which you serve (your church)
  5. Share information about your church’s worship
  6. Take the leap! INVITE THEM TO CHURCH!
  7. Demonstrate excitement at their attendance
  8. Introduce them to others
  9. Now that they have attended tell them how excited you were to have them attend with you and that you hope they will attend again

This is the easiest thing we can do. . . but it pays large dividends in the Kingdom of God.

Mark Gough