We all love BABIES!
Over the last few months our church has seen a lot of new babies. We have baptized my new grandbaby, welcomed new babies Aiyana, Van and Gavin. You may not join me in this but I love to hear the noise of babies in church. We have said it over and over, “What a beautiful baby.” We all started there, but it has been so long that I don’t remember much about being a baby. Do you remember when you were a baby? One thing I know about babies is that they are not shy when it comes to letting you know when they want something. They will let you know when they are hungry, thirsty, sick, tired, or wet. Since a little baby doesn’t know how to talk, how can he or she tell you all these things? Right! A baby lets you know these things by crying. The baby doesn’t care if you are in church, at a movie, or eating dinner in a fine restaurant. If a baby wants or needs something, you are going to hear about it! As we get older, we learn to be more reserved about making our wants and wishes known. Or do we? One of my favorite Bible stories is the healing of blind Bartimaeus. Continue reading