Monthly Archives: October 2014

Words from Pastor Mark – 11/2014

A Season of Thanksgiving

There is a challenge traveling around in the Facebook world about giving thanks. You challenge someone to post three things they are thankful for each day for seven days. Then everyone will comment about them and some will shake their heads in agreement.

November is the month of thanksgiving for most persons. Why, you ask? It could be because the holiday of Thanks-giving falls during that month. If we look back at history and it is most likely because it is a time of harvest in the northern half of the world. I am not a fan of the fall. Fall is a lot of work. Raking leaves, readying for a cold winter  (I am not a fan of the cold), and getting out the winter coats and boots.

While I would pass on fall I do like the thanksgiving part. I like to reflect on the many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my beautiful wife, all of my children, my grandchildren and my brother and his family. I am very thank-ful this year for the new little ones God has brought into our home.

I am thankful because the month of October was a blessing to the Gough family. One afternoon I pulled into the drive of my house to be greeted by Linda Diaz on behalf of the church with a wonderful meal, (actually it was two meals), then the next morning Kay Feichter-Thistlethwaite brought hot dogs and all the fixings for another great meal. Many days throughout the month of October I would arrive at the office greeted by cards of thanks for my role as pastor of Crescent Avenue. This summer I was able to attend a number of Tin Caps games because of the gift of tickets from Robert and Joyce Kaufman and John Gingrich.  I have had a group of persons from the Firehouse ministry help me reconstruct the playground in my backyard.

I am thankful that each Sunday is a blessing as we gather to worship. How great it is to be greeted by the many  familiar faces I have come to know and appreciate over the last year. It is also wonderful to meet the many new friends each Sunday who are beginning to populate our church with new life. It is a joy each week to spend time with the many children during the children’s time, Kidz Konnect on Wednesday evening and my chapel time with the day school. I am thankful for the great musical persons at the church. Some of them are new but many have served the church for many years. What a gift it is to work with Paul Kendall each week. I am thankful for Cindy in the office and all of the Day School workers.

I guess you could say, I am blessed. And all of those blessings make me thankful. Most of all I am thankful that I can know that God loves and cares for me. He forgives me of all of my bad choices and desires to have a relationship with me. He loved me so much He sent Jesus to carry my sin to the cross. I am thankful that he wants me to be  special in His sight and pushes me to be everything I can be in this world. Because He loves me I can love others.  I guess you could say. . .  Life is good because of the many relationships I am privileged to have. All of the stuff can fade away but the people in our lives are forever. God Bless

Pastor Mark

Weekday School – November News 11/2014

I would like to thank everyone who help make the Pie Sale and the Craft Bazaar a  success. We depend on your kindness and good will to support our mission with the  children. Thank you, thank you, I cannot say it enough. Please know that a child will  benefit from your generosity.

October ended with a bang! The school-age children joined us for our Halloween/Fall celebration. It was the first year they were here all day. It was wonderful. They brought a new dimension to the day.

November will be spent enjoying the weather, preparing for Parent Conferences and the Christmas Gathering  program in December. We will be closed on Thanksgiving and the day after, so we can enjoy the holidays with family.

Mark your calendar for our Christmas Gathering on December 11 at 7:00pm. The children always put on a great  show and make super cookies for refreshments. The school-age children will be making a gingerbread house display and the children will be drawing pictures of what Santa looks like. It will be a fun night. Everyone is welcome!

Do not forget, we are always collecting Labels for Education (Campbell’s Labels) and Box Tops for Education. CAWS will receive a check in December for $318.48 from Box Tops. Believe me that is a lot of box tops labels! Our Labels  for Education has a total of 35150 labels that can be spent on items that they sell. Also, I would like to recognize  Carolyn Parks who takes care of this program for us. She cuts out, counts, sends them in and keep track of our total for us. We appreciate all your hard working and time you spend for us. You are Super!

I hope everyone has a wonderful November and Thanksgiving holiday.


Weekday School – October News 10/2014

September is over. Believe it or not, it was a pretty calm month. Everyone was getting into a routine and enjoying the cooler weather. We had many new families to welcome. Enrollment is up.

On September 15, CAWS had their annual Paths to Quality rating visit. The rater observed in the classrooms and looked at documentation of our paperwork for education and training of the staff. CAWS maintained our Level 4 rating. We are very proud of our accomplishment. Continue reading

Words From Pastor Mark – 10/14

We Need Heroes!

The lyrics of a song from a few years ago are:
Everybody needs a hero
Someone who always knows the way
Just when you’re sure you’ve really gone astray. . . By Joan Jett and The Blackhearts

What does it take to be a true hero? Usually a hero in this world is not some superman, endowed with mystical powers and great abilities and talents. It is an individual who over a period of time is willing deny the needs of themselves and focus on the needs of others. So what does it mean to be a true Christian hero? I is a person who is willing to believe God, commit themselves to God’s will, and devote themselves to God’s work. Continue reading