“Coming Soon to a Church Near You” has shown up in bulletins for several weeks. The question now is “How soon, is ‘Soon?” Obviously soon is not as soon as Paul Kendall and Fritz would have liked. The last word we had about the new console for the organ, is that it has made it over the mountains (It was built in Oregon and is now resting comfortably in Indianapolis. It is reported there is a missing link that will connect the console to the
existing pipework. When that part arrives, “soon” will be a really “soon!” The Console’s location is partially pre-pared on the left side of the chancel. The floor will be completed when the old console is removed.
So be patient, and one of these Sundays, Paul will have a brand new console to work with. There will probably be a couple of weeks when only the electronic sounds will be used as there are a lot of connections that will have to be made to get the pipes working again. Hopefully it won’t be too long before “soon” will really be “soon,” or maybe become “now!”